Why Investing In The Complete Anger Management System Was The Best Money Lisa Had Ever Spent, Hands-Down!
Lisa is a young woman who was at "rock bottom" when she enrolled in the Complete Anger Management System.
Lisa carried a lot of trauma from her past, relating to abuse she had experienced, causing her to feel very angry, out of control, and isolated.
Lisa said she was on a downward spiral, lashing out whenever an argument arose. She couldn't last more than two or three days without losing her cool. Not surprisingly, her relationships were suffering because of her inability to control her anger.

Despite her past, Lisa was determined to make a change. At 3 am one morning, she decided she had had enough. After a quick Google search, Lisa signed up for The Complete Anger Management System.
It was her last $500, she said. But she knew it was either control her anger or go down a dark path with no return.
Was investing in the Complete Anger Management System a good decision for Lisa?
Read my interview with Lisa to find out.
Alastair: Why were you looking for an anger management course?
Lisa: "I realized that I was manifesting a lot of negative energy, probably carried from a lot of trauma in my past."
"I had always looked up to my Mom, and she's a really, really kind, welcoming and loving person. But in my life, I found that I was snapping a lot of people and just having really negative thoughts in my own brain. I didn't like the way I was speaking to myself. I didn't like the way I was thinking about others."
"I didn't like that I was judgmental and rude and had a very short fuse, like a very quick temper. I realized I was manifesting all the things I didn't like about my father instead of all the good things I liked about my Mom".

"It got to a breaking point. It was like three in the morning or something, and I was like, "I'm gonna do something right now", and your course was the first one I found online."
"It had something like 6000 positive reviews. I thought, "You know, if this guy can help me, then I'm willing to spend the money to change my life".
"And I have been able to change my life, which is fantastic."
Alastair: What changes did this course help you make?
Lisa: "Firstly, the way that I think about myself and think to myself".
"There's a lot of changes that have happened, where I will be very, very quick to judge myself and then get angry at my own doing."
"But I've come to realize that there are things that I can't change. But I can change the way that I think, and I can change the way that I act, and I can change the way that I respond to other people around me."

"I've been able to empathize more with people and to take a step back and listen to them first before I decide on my response, because it's taught me that everything that comes out of me is a choice."
Alastair: How was your anger affecting you?
"I just didn't like the person I was turning into."
"I was always having negative thoughts about myself. I was always feeling guilty about getting angry. Every time I had an outburst, because they were happening frequently, I was constantly getting mad."
"I couldn't get through like two or three days without completely losing my cool."
Alastair: What has changed for you now?
Lisa: "I think my outlook on life and my outlook towards other people. And being much less critical and less harsh. And understanding that I'm not the only one who has these angry thoughts and feelings. And everyone is going through something."
"Especially in times like these with a global pandemic happening. It's just not a good response. It's never the right response, right?"

"There's always a better way to get around a problem without anger. There's empathy, there's kindness, there's listening, there's thoughtfulness, there's mindfulness. But anger doesn't need to be a tool that I use."
Alastair: Have other people noticed these changes?
Lisa: "I told one of my friends that I was doing the course, and a couple of days later, she told me I was glowing, which was really lovely to hear."
"I've just had some very supportive friends, and it's just been a really big help and a really big motivator to change because I like the changes that I'm seeing in myself."
"Like from the very first lesson that I did, I was in tears because it was so confronting. Just completely stripped me down, and I was like, these are my problems. Like, I can see them now, and I can see where I need to change."

"It's just been really helpful with that. Just personal growth, and I'm very, very committed to this personal growth at the moment."
"You know, I don't want to be an angry person later in life. I'd rather nip the bud now while I'm young, than have myself and the people I love suffer in the future because of me."
Alastair: How has doing an online anger course been for you?
Lisa: "I really like that it's online because I can do it at my own pace."
"I bought the complete system, which means I have lifetime access, which is fantastic because I can go back through my lessons. I can make notes. I can rewatch the videos. I can download all of the worksheets and stuff."
"I like that I can do it in my own time because it gives me more time to focus on each lesson rather than having to rush through them because I'm not someone who likes to be rushed. I like to take my time and I like to be quite thorough with what I do."

"So whenever I do a lesson, I sit down with pen and paper, and I write things down, and I'll pause the video and I will write which of the points that are applicable to me and to my life and what I think will be the most helpful to me."
"It's just really convenient."
Alastair: How fast did you see changes from the course?
Lisa: "After a couple of weeks, the changes that I've seen in myself in a couple of weeks have been so significant."
Alastair: Would you recommend this course to others?
Lisa: "I thoroughly recommend it."
"I've been recommending it to all of my friends. I've been sharing tips and helpful advice and saying like, you know, you can't change what other people think. You can only change what you think and how you act."

"And I've been telling my friends about the Tension Scale and about warning signs of getting angry. I feel like I've had a complete personality change almost, which has been great."
Alastair: What would you say to other people thinking about doing this course?
Lisa: "I'd tell them to buy it."
"It's the best $500 I've spent hands down, because you can't put a price on an investment in your life. Really, I'd pay $1000 for it."

"When I bought it, it was the absolute last of my money that I had when I hit rock bottom. I had nothing to my name. I just had this $500 and I'm like, "Look if something's gonna change, it's gotta be this, and I have to do it for myself". And I spent $500 and I'm a better person for it now."
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The Complete Anger Management System is my comprehensive anger management program designed for anyone wanting to control their anger and create long-lasting positive changes in their lives.