We all get angry from time to time, but sometimes it can feel like anger is controlling us, rather than the other way around.
If you've ever found yourself feeling frustrated, irritable, or boiling over with rage, you're not alone. This is a common experience, and it's one that many people struggle to understand and manage.
In this article, I will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about anger. I'll cover everything from what anger is and why you get angry, to what is the best way to control your anger is.
Whether you're someone who struggles with anger, or you just want to learn more about this complex emotion, this article is for you.
Whether you're someone who struggles with anger, or you just want to learn more about this complex emotion, this article is for you.

Before we get into today's article, if you'd like to learn how to control your anger in just a few weeks or less, click here to sign up for my free training.
In this training, you will learn the simplest, quickest and most effective way to control your anger, why traditional counseling or anger management programs do not work, how to manage your anger in just days, not weeks or months, and much, much more.
Access this free training now.
OK. Now, let's jump into this article: Anger FAQ.
Q1: What Is Anger?

Let's begin by discussing what anger is.
In "Understanding Anger: A Complete Guide", I give a detailed description of what anger is, but to keep things simple, the definition I use for anger is this:
Whatever anger is, anger is a feeling.
Although this statement is simple, it is also profound. To put this another way, whatever anger is, anger is an emotional response to an event or situation.
This definition of anger is important because it distinguishes anger from abuse and violence, which are both actions. And generally, abuse and violence are any actions that hurt others, make them scared or afraid, or control another person.
Q2: Why Do I Get Angry?

The next question about anger is, why do I get angry?
Of course, there are many reasons why people get angry, but the main thing to understand is what causes your anger is not what other people say or do to you. Instead, it is the thoughts you have about what other people say or do to you that cause your anger.
In other words, as I describe in "The ABC Model Of Anger Management", you create your anger.
It is the thoughts you have about what other people say or do to you that cause your anger.
Q3: Is Anger Always a Bad Thing?

Many people I work with ask me if anger is always bad.
In theory, the answer to this question is "No". There are times when anger can be beneficial. For example, when faced with dangerous or unjust situations, anger can give you the energy and focus to take action.
In these situations, however, no matter how dangerous or unjust it is, it is always important to react calmly. As I think we all know, no one thinks more clearly or makes better decisions when they are angry. Therefore it is important not to act out of anger, but instead to use it as a motivating force.
In practice however, almost all situations that people get angry about can be responded to much more constructively. For example, if you are getting angry during an argument with your partner, it is never constructive to respond to your partner out of this anger.
Instead, calm down, think about why you are getting angry, and discuss the issue more rationally later on with your partner.
Q4: How Can I Tell If I Have An Anger Issue?

The answer to this question is relatively simple: If your anger is causing problems in your life, then you have an anger issue.
These problems can range from having a few simple arguments with your partner to consistently losing your temper with those around you. Either way, if your anger is causing problems in your life, you need to address it.
If your anger is causing problems in your life, then you have an anger issue.
Many people I see wait until it is too late to address their anger. Unfortunately, the consequences of waiting too long can be serious. For example, many people wait until their relationship is on the line or until they have been in a physical altercation before they reach out for help.
If this sounds like you, please reach out now. Learning how to control your anger and create calmer, more respectful relationships is fairly easy. So, why wait?
This brings me to my final question, which is:
Q5: What Is the Best Way to Control My Anger?

Of course, I am a little biased in relation to this question.
I run a comprehensive online anger management program called The Complete Anger Management System. I have seen many people enrol in the system and achieve massive changes in their lives in just a few days or weeks, so I think this is a good option for anyone.
Part of The Complete Anger Management System includes the option to attend group coaching sessions with me every week. This helps me ensure you get as much support and encouragement as possible to achieve life-changing results from this course.
However, if you would like to look into other anger management options, many other programs are available to help you control your anger.
Whatever option you choose, dont wait.
It is essential to address your anger issues as soon as possible. This can be the difference between having a healthy, happy life and one that is full of unnecessary anger and stress.
It is essential to address your anger issues as soon as possible. This can be the difference between having a healthy, happy life and one that is full of unnecessary anger and stress.